Submissions from 2022
Computational approach for predictive analysis of vital signs collected using suitable wearable device, G Muralidhar Bairy Dr
Bioinformatics, S Balaji Dr
Development of nanomaterial-based catalysts for various environmental applications, Harshini Dasari Dr.
Marketing and Information Systems, Sunith Hebbar Dr
Materials chemistry: Photoactive materials for Energy, Environment and biological applications, Suresh D. Kulkarni Dr
Implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in India., Praveen Kumar
Development of Analytical Models for Photovoltaic Systems, Arjun M
Development and validation of a tool to assess the Academic Stress, Anxiety and Depression among grade 11 and 12 Students, Shreemathi S. Mayya Dr.
Aesthetics, Cognition, Emotion, and Multi-Modal Communication., Dyutiman Mukhopadhyay Dr
Sustainable Business Practices among Micro-Small and Medium Entrepreneurs: A Sequential Mixed Method design (Pursuing PhD), Raghavendra Nayak
Flexible Electronics, Ramakrishna Nayak
Information Systems and Management, Rajesh R. Pai Dr
Modeling and Control of Low frequency Dynamics of Smart Systems, Arun P. Parameswaran Dr
Development of biomaterials for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, Mathew Peter
Study of corrosion and corrosion inhibition behavior of various metals/alloys in acidic/basic environment using inhibitors, Preethi Kumari P Dr
Covariance Matrices and Applications in Nuclear Data (Nuclear Data Physics), K. Manjunatha Prasad
Generalized Inverses of Elements of Rings and Matrices over Rings, K. Manjunatha Prasad
Graphs and Matrices, K. Manjunatha Prasad
Influence of demographic factors on productivity: a study among employees with different personality types in architectural firms, Lewlyn L R Rodrigues
Machine learning in coronary heart disease prediction: Structural equation modeling approach, Lewlyn L R Rodrigues
Solid Waste Management Behavior among Student Community– An Empirical Research, Lewlyn L R Rodrigues
Team transformational leadership and workplace spirituality in facilitating team viability, Lewlyn L R Rodrigues
Water conservation behavior in urban environment, Lewlyn L R Rodrigues
Evidence based policy research for contributing to sustainable development, Harini Santhanam
Design and Fabrication of low cost microfluidic device for Polymerase Chain Reaction, Shailendra Kumar Tiwari Dr
Breast Cancer Detection, Dinesh Acharya U Dr.
Biomechanics, with a special focus on imaging and computational analysis of cardiovascular fluid mechanics, R. Vinoth Dr.