"Nudging research ethics among graduate students: An experimental study" by Senthil Kumaran Dr

Nudging research ethics among graduate students: An experimental study

Document Type

News Article


Now, research has become a vital component of graduate education. Students who belong to the science and social science disciplines are encouraged to involve in research and publication. However, following research ethics was found to be a significant issue in higher education institutions, specifically in developing countries. This research aims to implement digital nudging techniques using an experiment to encourage students to follow ethical guidelines suggested by a private higher education institution in India.

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  2. Antecedents and outcomes of memorable halal food experiences of non-Muslim tourists (https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JIMA-08-2021-0271/full/html)
  3. Domestic tourists and local food consumption: motivations, positive emotions and savouring processes (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/11745398.2021.1993287?journalCode=ranz20)

Publication Date

Spring 10-1-2022
